Tag: contests

What (writing contest) opportunities have you missed?

Before we begin, we want to let you know about a “doing indie together” opportunity in Hollywood, and that is the stock offering from Voyage Media. SkipJack has been working with Voyage for the last six months on a screenplay for one of our novels. We couldn’t be happier with the writers and producers we’ve […]

Ryan Zee BookSweeps Promo: Reporting Results

Last month SkipJack authors Marcy McKay and Pamela Fagan Hutchins participated in a Ryan Zee BookSweeps promotion, to build subscriber lists. The promo cost them $60 each. The goal of the promotion was to obtain quality emails of interested readers opting in to their newsletters. The result? An average of 1800 signups between the two of them!!! […]

If you don’t enter, you can’t win.

We’ve preached the value of entering contests many times here on the Skip the Jack blog. Brush up on all that HERE. Meanwhile, we are super excited to announce that our own Ken Oder received word that his debut novel, The Closing, is an INDIEFAB mystery/thriller finalist. If he hadn’t entered, he couldn’t have won, and […]