It’s National Novel Writing Month in November! I’m revising a novel called Heaven to Betsy this month, so I’m not participating, but I’ve “won” three times and written two other novels using the NaNoWriMo methodology, so I’m a believer.
In celebration of the month, Webucator is asking authors to answer a few questions about their writing careers. Here are my responses:
What were your goals when you started writing?
When I first tried to write a novel, I just wanted to start at “once upon a time” and write all the way through to “the end” on an honest-to-goodness complete novel. Truly. That’s all I wanted. I’d been a writer since third grade, reluctantly so at first, compulsively and secretly so for years, and obsessively and enthusiastically in the last decade.
To read the rest of this post (new goals, what pays the bills, motivation, and advice for new writers), click HERE.
Pamela Fagan Hutchins writes award-winning and bestselling romantic mysteriesand hilarious nonfiction, chairs the board of the Houston Writers Guild, and dabbles in employment law and human resources investigations from time to time. She is passionate about great writing, smart authorpreneurship, and her two household hunks, husband Eric and one-eyed Boston terrier Petey. She blogs on writing, publishing and promotion at Skip the Jack and on her beleaguered family She also leaps medium-tall buildings in a single bound (if she gets a good running start), and much-too-personal life at Road to Joy. Check out her latest romantic mystery,Going for Kona, available now, everywhere.
I think those Nano’s you did were breakthrough times for you.