A must read: http://davidgaughran.wordpress.com/2014/07/20/kindle-unlimited-the-key-questions/.
My thoughts: I’m going to have to stand down and wait to see what shakes out after the first month. I am concerned on the impact this will have on the perma-free strategy that has of late been so successful for me and Bookbub as the one truly effective means of promotion, and I abhor the strong-arm of the exclusivity requirement on e-vendors, readers, and writers/publishers/middlemen. I think this may be a cool tool for viability of shorts, and I might pull my The Jumbie House down elsewhere and test it in KU, just for grins. It’s 99 cents or free everywhere, so @$2 per borrow would be a raise for it, and since it’s a short, readers might have positive feelings about it as part of their subscription, instead of feeling ripped off that it’s not novel-length. In the end, I need to sell books, and I will revise strategy in whatever way it seems best does that.
Pamela Fagan Hutchins, President of Houston Writers Guild, is an