Tides of Possibility Launch and Reading

Cover_with_names_bigger copyWe are thrilled to announce that Tides of Possibility–our scifi anthology collaboration with the Houston Writers Guild–is now available for purchase exclusively on Amazon, in ebook or paperback. Prime members who own Kindle devices can borrow it free, and Kindle Unlimited members can download it free as well.

About Tides of Possibility: These thirty stories and poems have a tidal pull that will upraise your mind in a celestial rhythm as smooth as the phases of the moon. The gravity of this anthology will draw you fast through dynamic alternate possibilities—from the gibbous tales of D. L. Young’s The Reader and Lilia Fabry’s House of Tin, to the crescent stories of Imaginary Numbers by Corinn Heathers and The Color of Silence by Mandy Broughton—and set you safely among cerebral poems like those of Richard King Perkins II and John Grey. Proudly independent, Tides of Possibility has been produced thanks to generous crowdfunding and hard volunteer work by the Houston Writers Guild, from SkipJack Publishing. It is an anthology from the future, where independent publishing is the powerhouse of the industry, and its writers are the voices of tomorrow.

The favor of an online review is humbly requested.

The launch celebration for Tides of Possibility will be at Write Space Houston on Friday August 15 at 8:00 p.m. Come see what some of Houston’s best sci-fi writers have dreamed up. Here’s the line-up of writers who will be reading: C. Stuart Harwick, Writespace teacher K.J. Russell, Lilia Fabry, Mandy Broughton, and Erin Kennemer. Be prepared for an experience that is wonderfully out-of-this-world. It is open to the public, and parking (and the event) is free.
