Maximizing Your Author Revenue Stream

What is it about the “new”?  I love “Back-to-School”  in August when I get brand new office supplies.  (I know, weird, right?)  I love spring time when I try every year to plant seeds and see if I can grow anything with my black thumb.  And I love the NEW year when we literally and figuratively put the past behind us and gaze into the future – the new future.  Something about the new year makes things seem possible that didn’t seem as possible before.  So what is it about the “new”?  I think it’s that space within us that we call HOPE.  Tennyson said, “Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, ‘It will be happier.'”  What did you hope for in the coming year?  My list includes publishing my book (again), helping 5 authors publish their books, and making a million dollars on Amazon (hey, don’t judge).  Do you have publishing goals for the new year? Are you baffled about where to begin?  May I humbly suggest a good place to figure it all out is over at the SkipJack School?

We’ve just launched our 8th class, Maximizing Your Author Revenue Stream.  (I like the sound of that.)  SkipJack author, Pamela Fagan Hutchins, shares strategies for taking your masterpiece from a revenue drip-drip to (hopefully) a revenue stream.  Here’s what she has to say about it:

How long and hard did you work to write your book? If you make the decision to publish it, don’t you want that investment of time and energy (and talent) to pay off in as many ways as possible? I sure do. That’s why I spin off as many types of products as I can muster out of each book I write. Paperbacks, hardbacks, audiobooks, foreign translations, speaking engagements, coloring books, film, and other products: your imagination is your only limitation these days. Together in this module we’ll explore how and where to pursue these opportunities, as well as how to prioritize, budget, and promote them.

Authors continue to tell us how the SkipJack School is helping them pursue their writing goals.  We sincerely HOPE this year that you accomplish all you’ve set out to do in 2017.  We love to see authors realize their dreams and become successful.  Join the growing number of students who are learning from somebody who’s “been there & done that.”  Here’s a list of all of our classes (and we’ve got more we’re rolling out every month!).

How to Sell a Ton of Books in 5 Simple Steps

How to Get Book Reviews in 10 Surefire Ways

How to Score a Bookbub Promotion and Send Your Book to the Top

Engaging Readers Through Your Online Author Presence

Drawing In Readers with Rock Star Book Events

Build Reader Subscriber Lists For Sales Independence

Maximizing Your Author Revenue Stream