Tag: kindle unlimited

Kindle Unlimited and KENP: Worth the Cost?

This is a guest blog post written by Blake O’Connor, author of award-winning novels including ‘Unspoken Bond’, a former top100 Amazon Kindle book. She’s writing today about the decline in Amazon’s KENP royalty.   Pamela, thank you for inviting me to write a guest post for SkipJack’s blog. And a big congratulations on Heaven to […]

Kindle Unlimited: The Key Questions | ReBlog of David Gaughran

A must read: http://davidgaughran.wordpress.com/2014/07/20/kindle-unlimited-the-key-questions/. My thoughts: I’m going to have to stand down and wait to see what shakes out after the first month. I am concerned on the impact this will have on the perma-free strategy that has of late been so successful for me and Bookbub as the one truly effective means of promotion, […]